LCMS • Learning Content Management System • LMS • Learning Management System


OWL Online Learning Content Management System

Finally...a distance learning content management system that anyone can use.

Online learning continues to grow. The problem is that most content management systems are either to complex for the average user or too limited in features. OWL (On Web Learning) was created to to fit the management needs of even enterprise sized organizations while keeping content creation simple.

OWL is perfect for in-house training programs, online education, employee training, corporate training and professional training companies. It is cost effective and easily manageable by one person or any size group.

The learning content management structure of OWL allows for maximum flexibility in creating and distributing the responsibility for online training course and student management. This structure allows you to distribute the management based on your specific needs. You can maintain as much direct control as you wish or distribute the control to as many individuals as you wish.

  • Program Master: This position can add Associates, Developers and Instructors. This position also defines the relationships between associates, courses, instructors and developers... sets which courses each associate has access to and which instructors are available for each course. However, this position is not involved in the day to day management of any of the components of the online training programs.

  • Associate: Any number of associates can be added to the site. The Associate can set up multiple clients and define the courses available to each client. The Associate can also enter new students for each client and review the grades of any student set up by that associate.

  • Client: Each client can add students and review students grades for each course associated with the client by the associate. Clients also control the "header" information that each of the client’s students see when they are in the training program. In corporate enterprise environments you can provide each department it's own management account.

  • Instructors: Instructors can access only the students assigned to them by the associate or the client. They can review student’s grades and communicate directly with them through email.

  • Developers: OWL developers have full control over the training program assigned them through the Master account. They can create / manage course content and create corresponding tests..

  • Students: Students can only access the course set up for them by an associate or client. There is an optional student register program should you choose to allow students to self-register. 

From content publishing individuals to large corporations...OWL gives you a learning content management system that easily conforms to fit your management needs exactly.

Contact for more information.